Journal Club
Next Meeting: 7/29 1:00PM
Mylius 2013: Definition of DLPFC and M1 according to anatomical landmarks for navigated brain stimulation: Inter-rater reliability, accuracy, and influence of gender and age
Discussion Lead: Hakjoo Kim
Past Discussions
Gamboa 2010: Simply longer is not better: reversal of theta burst after-effect with prolonged stimulation – PMC (
Sun 2020: Drug-Responsive Inhomogeneous Cortical Modulation by Direct Current Stimulation – PubMed (
Caulfield 2021: A reexamination of motor and prefrontal TMS in tobacco use disorder: Time for personalized dosing based on electric field modeling?
Vestring 2024: D-Cycloserine enhances the bidirectional range of NMDAR-dependent hippocampal synaptic plasticity
Schiller 2009: Preventing the return of fear in humans using reconsolidation update mechanisms
Wendt 2023: Influence of time of day on resting motor threshold in clinical TMS practice